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WASP: Wind Assisted Ship Propulsion

The WASP (Wind Assisted Ship Propulsion) project is funded by the Interreg North Sea Europe programme, part of the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), to the tune of €5.4 million.

The project brings together universities and wind-assist technology providers with ship owners to research, trial, and validate the operational performance of a selection of wind propulsion solutions on five vessels thus enabling wind propulsion technology market penetration and contributing to a greener North Sea transport system through harvesting the regions abundant wind potential.

This fully aligns with the wider programmes’ objective of promoting the development and adoption of products, services, and processes to accelerate the greening of the North Sea Region.


The WASP project has the following objectives:

Wind Propulsion Technology proven concepts lead to the greening of NSR sea transport
Identify the viable business cases for (hybrid) wind propulsion technologies
Facilitate a level playing field for WPT with policy instruments

The following project results are envisaged:


Project outline

Work Package 1: Project Management

Work Package Leader: Netherlands Maritime Technology Foundation 


Project management will be carried out both at a strategic and operational level. The lead beneficiary has the overall responsibility for the project. It establishes and enables an effective and efficient project management framework ensuring project objectives are achieved in time, cost & available resources and in compliance with the programme rules. The lead beneficiary works closely with all project beneficiaries, especially the Work Package Leaders

Work Package 2: Communication Activities

Work Package Leader: International Windship Association 


All partners will be involved in and contribute to the WASP communications activities. The Work Package Leader develops the clear and concise project messaging and general communication strategy. It coordinates this messaging, strategy and dissemination on the diverse communication means (website, social media, newsletters), events, conferences, webinars, etc.) to create and raise market awareness of the potentialities of WPT to both save fuel and reduce emissions and promote the WASP project, its objectives, results for market adoption and market uptake of validated proven Wind Propulsion Technology in the near future.

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